About Us

Welcome to RentLaVentana.com!

Hey there!

I’m Diana Salom (and my dog Poncho). I’ve been hanging out in La Ventana for 10 years. Originally came here for a breather, but got swept off my feet by this charming town. Now, I’m a full-time resident here, and my grand vision is to turn this site into a one-stop shop where visitors can easily and securely book their stays and find valuable information about our dreamy town.

As a Property Manager, I’m on a mission to level up the hospitality game for the homes I look after. I want to make the marketing and booking process a breeze for owners and ensure that visitors have a seamless booking experience and a fantastic stay.

Attention all LV property managers and owners:

This site is open to anyone who wants to showcase their properties here. Just shoot me a message, and I’ll hook you up with an invite link. Let’s make La Ventana even more awesome together!

    Diana Salom | Property Manager @ RentLaVentana.com